Mar 26Liked by L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright

"They have an engine called the Press whereby the people are deceived."

That Hideous Strength, C.S. Lewis.

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Mar 26Liked by L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright

> In Soviet Russia, at least everyone knew that Pravda was a government-run propaganda outlet.

In Soviet Russia even if one did, it wasn't safe to openly say so.

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Mar 26Liked by L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright

If you are old enough, you'll remember 60 minutes and other investigative reports exposing pharmaceutical company malfeasance, or error. Do you remember the expose in the 80s of Dr. Fauci's crimes? I do.

Do you remember where they all went?

In the Forgotten Side of Medicine, I learned that Mr. Clinton, while President, allowed the pharmaceutical companies to advertise their products. Fast-forward to now, and well, no more challenges in the press. I've read that congresscritters and bureaucrats are cheap, and D.A.s do not cost much either.

And yet, to paraphrase Mrs. Hoyt, in the end we've won, they've lost. And may well be losing as we write: https://wilderwealthywise.com/winning-starts-with-belief-that-winning-is-possible/

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