An excellent article covering topics often covered here.
I am going to write something very close to the post you restacked! I love the concepts behind that and I am convinced that RPGs are one of the most educative tools we could use with young players!
He links to my original Defending the Wood Perilous articles, I believe. Which are also on the subject.
And I should say, I agree about RPG
Send me the link if you write the article.
Sure! Will do!
If you have not read my original essays on the topic that Nick refers to, you can find them here:
I am going to write something very close to the post you restacked! I love the concepts behind that and I am convinced that RPGs are one of the most educative tools we could use with young players!
He links to my original Defending the Wood Perilous articles, I believe. Which are also on the subject.
And I should say, I agree about RPG
Send me the link if you write the article.
Sure! Will do!
If you have not read my original essays on the topic that Nick refers to, you can find them here: