If you wish to start at the beginning, it is here.
Dear Diary,
Today, we got the Lodestone! Although we aren’t allowed to call it the Lodestone, so we had to come up with a code name for it while we were looking for it. We even have to use the code name now, so people do not know we have it. Black Hawk is so smart to think of these things.
Our first code name for it was umbrella, but after we got an umbrella for Pumpkin that I animated and named Umbrella, we had to change it so as not to get confused.
We changed the word to unicycle, but that, too, had to change, because we got a unicycle for Pumpkin to ride, so he could keep up with us better, and after I animated the unicycle, and named it Unicycle, it was too confusing.
I suggested the next code name of Kóri̱, because I was sure the Lodestone was pretty. Black Hawk liked my idea, likely he agreed that Kóri̱ was a perfect name for something beautiful and powerful.
To get Kóri̱, Trilby summoned a giant cheetah for everybody to ride on. Riding on the back of the cheetah seemed like a daunting task at first. I had the owner of the bicycle shop we purchased the unicycle from give me a bunch of his old seats. I made him pay me 3 Berries to take his trash off his hands and took the seats out with the suggestion of sticking the seats into the skin of the cheetah. Trilby didn’t like that idea.
Black Hawk decided that he would just stand on the cheetah as it ran through town with his cloak billowing about him as a ray of sunlight with dust motes floating through the light shining upon him. He looked so impressive.
Ichigo just laid on the tail of the cheetah, sleeping, as it ran through the street. It was cool, in that lazy I don’t care sort of way, like all those guys in anime, but not nearly as impressive as Black Hawk.
I think Black Hawk might one day name me one of his 12, forever binding us together. I am sure that one day bards will sing of Black Hawk and his amazing 12!
Oh and Trilby did something on the cheetah to hang on but I was painting my nails and sort of missed it.
We eventually made it out of town on the giant Cheeta only once crushing some local cabbage merchant’s cart.
On the way to get Kóri̱, we stopped at a creepy run-down carnival that had the biggest merry-go-round that I have ever seen. It looked like it would be a lot of fun, but it was creepy, was likely inhabited by clowns, and nothing worked anyway.
At the carnival, we found a large carousel, and I animated several of the animals for people to have as steeds. A Black Horse for Black Hawk. A dragon for Ichigo. A sled pulled by 5 sea horses for Trilby.
It turned out we were being followed by some guy, or he was just coming out to the carnival. Trilby was going to have the person ripped to shreds by her giant cheetah, because you can never be too careful, but decided to just surround him with giant rodents instead. Black Hawk talked to the person, but I was busy making the animals on the carousel come to life so did not pay much attention to what was going on.
Black Hawk decided we needed to see if others were following us, and he did spy an ornithopter coming our way. I am guessing it was Mad Dog, since I think likes me and wanted to take me for a ride or maybe visit the carnival with me, but before we could find out, Black Hawk came up with a plan to avoid people, just in case.
His plan was to make 3 more cheetahs. One with vegetable versions of us, one with normal verstions of us, and one with animated from the wax museum: the Dread King, Scotty from Star Trek, Elvis, and Hitler. While those 3 ran off in different directions, I would make us invisible with a mirage so we could sneak off.
The plan, like all of Black Hawk’s plans, worked great. In no time did we find ourselves at the tower where Kóri̱ was said to lay.
The tower looked frightful, as it was covered with thorns, but it was something that was easily passed because there was a tunnel passage that led into a courtyard.
From there, we followed Trilby. With a combination of the memorized map, her mind control powers, and being the daughter of the guy who hid the thing, this made getting the stone so simple it was like simple. There were all kinds of rooms filled with gross things like rats, frogs, snakes, and other gross stuff like what lives in our house, but it all just let us pass…because, Trilby.
The safe had a combination, but Trilby had that, too, so we just opened it up and got Kóri̱ out. Black Hawk had a rock put in the safe to confuse anybody who came after Kóri̱ later.
We headed home and had no issue getting home, other than Trilby and Black Hawk arguing over who should hold Kóri̱. In the end, Ichigo placed Kóri̱ in the urn of the dead girl until we can figure out a fair plan. I am sure Black Hawk will come up with somthing though, because he is so impressive, smart, and fair.
Black Hawk wanted to throw some people off the trail so they did not know we had Kóri̱. He wanted to get rid of the key to the map to Kóri̱. I told him if he gave it to me I would take care of it.
I used my mirage powers to make myself look like a tough thug, named 5 Finger Jack. I went down to the docks and told a story how I stole the key and ended up getting 777 Berries for the key.
I asked Black Hawk what I should do with the Berries I earned, and he said keep it! He is so impressive and fair. I can’t wait till he is one day our benevolent dictator and my free will is bound to him as one of his 12.
I balanced the books and gave up on figuring out pre and post-Duck split, because it was just too hard. We each got 196 Berries for our share after house taxes.
I think I am going to use some of the money I earned to buy a flute to heal people if they get hurt.
XP awarded: 3 xp each
Bonus xp for my journal: 1
Next Week: Gypsie Princess Effie's Diary: Entry Ten -- Laethland Moving Day!