If you wish to start at the beginning, it is here.
Dear Diary,
Today was Laethland moving day! Black Hawk said we had to go pay the pretty pony in Laethland, by delivering on the promise he made.
It should have been easy but Trilby and Black Hawk started bickering over who should have the stone. I voted for Ichigo because he seems the least likely to do something crazy with it but Black Hawk said we don’t get to vote. After that I lost track nor did I really care who carried it. I think the group wants to get more of these stupid rocks, but I think it is a bad idea. Look how much they fight already over one of these.
Last time we went to Laethland, it was relatively quick. Everybody went into my cloak and I flew us through the war glass. Once we got through the glass, Black Hawk called the road. If you don’t count the time that Black Hawk spent complaining about Berries, it took like maybe 5 minutes. This time, though, it took forever. It started out fine with Trilby wanting us all to fly in her flying carriage. Ichigo decided to fly in his dragon ship instead. Before we could even get to the docks, Ichigo decided he needed to get some magic armor because my sewer dragon armor was not good enough for him. Black Hawk wanted to buy something, too, like wings or something. So we went shopping. Now I love shopping so it was not too bad, but Black Hawk didn’t even really buy anything! I wanted him to get cool hawk wings grown out his back or something. Instead, he paid a few Berries to make his Black Hawk strong enough to carry him. It is unlike Black Hawk to take the cheap non-impressive way out.
Black Hawk had mentioned he was planning to be Emperor by Saturday so I figured he needed a crown to wear. During our shopping trip, I went to a jewelry store and found the Iron Crown of Lombardy for sale. I doubt it is truly the real thing, but it did look impressive; and I ended up trading 1,000 pounds of jerky for the crown. I am going to wait till Saturday when he is Emperor to present it to him.
Once we were done shopping, we flew out to the gate in the bay of Shimmerbolt and passed through to the ice planet of Hoth. I think it may be called something else, but I got distracted because Trilby, who always wears a bikini, started to complain she was cold. Duck was cold, too, and wanted me to light him on fire or something to that effect. The Duck is hard to understand with his thick duck accent, and this time, it was made even worse by the chattering of his bill.
I used some magic to keep them warm. Black Hawk wanted to get out of the carriage to summon his magic road, but Trilby, at first, didn;t want him to get out. Eventually, Trilby landed, and Black Hawk used his magic toe rhyme to call up a silver road. Trilby used her lamp to make the road easier to see, and we proceeded down the road. Trilby and I in the carriage, Black Hawk on his wooden horse, and Ichigo in his dragon*.
[* Aeger Ichigo Kurosaki is one of Odin’s Hundred, an elite Einherjar squadrant of star-jet pilots. His dragon is also a star jet, so he can get in it.]
Once in Laethland, I started to work on my nails, and before my nails could even dry, the world was moved! In fact, it was rather anti-climatic, because Trilby got possessed by the pretty pony, and the world was allegedly moved. I say allegedly because all I saw was Trilby get all glowy-eyed and then pass out.
Black Hawk then gave an impressive speech to the gathered animals. The animals being, well. animals, didn’t really seem to do much, but Black Hawk did look good delivering the speech. Imagine how he would have looked with giant black hawk wings!
Black Hawk and the pretty pony talked for a while about rocks. Eventually, Black Hawk decided we would go to Pelepose to get another rock that is allegedly at the bottom of some river.
Black Hawk found out that we could get to Pelepose by taking a road from Lateland to Mount Eternal. Once in Mount Eternal, there was a road to go to Pelepose.
So we headed out, but before we left Laethland, we came upon a tribe of some people. They were very nice, and they gave me a beautiful outfit. They also fed us and danced about the fire. It reminded me a lot of my days with gypsies.
The next morning, we headed out and followed the road towards Mount Eternal. We had to turn back, though, because a big demon was blocking the road. We went back to Laethland and, after a bit, decided we would try to fly past the demon using Ichigo’s dragon. Trilby got into my cloak. I got into Black Hawk’s bag. Black Hawk got into Ichigo’s dragon. Thankfully, the dragon did not get into the demon’s belly.
While I did not see what happened, being in a bag that is in a dragon, I heard we flew right past the demon, which did nothing as we passed.
We arrived in the dreams of Mount Eternal, where the plan is for me to carry everybody in my cloak in hopes of us slipping by unmolested.
Wish me luck,
XP awarded: 3 xp each
Bonus xp for my journal: 1
Next Week: Gypsie Princess Effie's Diary: Entry Eleven -- Today I Became A Princess