Gypsie Princess Effie's Diary: The Last Entry -- Rescuing the Future Wife of Black Hawk
In honor of St. Nicholas’s Day, the very last Effie entry…

If you wish to start at the beginning, it is here.
Dear Diary,
My family reunion really tired me out.
I stayed up for an entire week, using mirages to make me feel, hear, taste, smell and. of course. see not tiredness to keep me awake well beyond recommended levels.
You see it all started with the War. I realized the others, especially the Emperor, did not respect me because I am a pacifist at this time of war.
At first, I was going to create a pair of war fans. These fans would be great weapons that I could also use for dancing. I collected up the priceless candle moth silk that I have been harvesting, that can be used to restore the candle ways to one day restore the kingdom, to create these fans. These fans would be without peer and make me respected.
I felt like though if I was going to fight with a fan, I needed to look appropriately to do so. I settled on a very cute-tailed fox girl look that wore a bikini. I realized Trilby wears a bikini everywhere she goes, and people seem to respect her more than they do me in my dresses.
The Fox suggested that perhaps I do not want to look THAT good around everybody else as they may have too much respect for me. The Fox, being smart and mostly wise, suggested that I come up with a different look for public, one that did not garner too much respect. I came up with a warrior princess idea that the Fox just loved. She was really pretty, armed to the teeth and dressed in a bathing suit. I was not willing to full bathing suit like Trilby, so I tossed a fur cloak over it with one button holding the cloak closed somewhat to complete the look and keep it modest.
I had to finish the fans first though, which took me 2 days of non-stop work and constantly staring at the Star of the Twin Peaks to make me very powerful.
As soon as I finished, I launched into a sword for Trilby. I had come up with a special technique while working on the fans that I wanted to use in this sword for Trilby. So I spent another 2 days working straight, but I finished the present for Trilby!
I was really starting to drag after 4 days of no sleep, but I used a combination of coffee, emotional highs, mirages and just plain old focus to keep going.
After finishing the sword, I was going to wear a nice black lace bathing suit. Judging by the Fox constantly talking about how he was all over this idea, I decided it was too much respect for people to handle. After all, if the Fox had trouble, how would normal people be able to cope? It is so hard being pretty sometimes. I have to make a lot of sacrifices, often making myself less pretty, just for the sake of others. Nobody really appreciates the sacrifices I make, but it is a burden that I alone must carry. I had to put the black lace bathing suit on hold while I came up with another idea.
I needed to get to my family reunion and decided, if I could, I would get the help of my family to make me the most respected Warrior Princess ever.
I had my sister Hela help me make the Axe of Hel. Anything struck by the axe would be killed outright, and as the axe passed through the air, it screamed like a banshee. My sister let me use her hair and blood to make the axe.
I had my brother Orm help me make a sword I named the Fang of Jörmungandr. It was made from one of his fangs and was so venomous it could poison the sky and slay the mighty Thor.
My brother Fenris helped me make the Claw of Fenris. It was a dagger fashioned from one of his claws that was so cold that it would freeze any liquid instantly. Like my brother, the dagger could grow to sword size fit for a giant or something in between.
I wasn't too sure what to do with my other brother, Sleipnir, but I got his help weaving hair from his mane into my undergarments, along with the priceless silks from moon and candle moths. I made a silk lacey top and bottom to wear under my cloak. While wearing them, I can travel over land, sea, and sky at the speed of the mighty Sleipnir and traverse into and out of the land of Hel. The clothes also chimed like the silver roads between the worlds—protecting me from demons—and glowed with a soft candle and moonlight. They were so pretty that I made it so if people heard the chiming, they would also know what the undergarments looked like. I figured something this pretty, people would love to be reminded of them as I walked past. I named my outfit the Lace Silk Battle Underwear of Sleipnir! I think that is more of a working title for now.
I added some of Sleipnir's hair to my magical boots because, really, if anything should have the power to grant Sleipnir-like travel powers, it should be boots. I just had to do something with the outfit though, and maybe the lack of sleep played some part in my judgement. By the end, I had been up 3 more days, busy partying with my family and creating items of immense power.
I was exhausted having not slept for 7 days, but I had a lot of fun and was really looking good in my new outfit.
I didn’t have time to make a good way to contain my deadly weapons, but I figured no big deal. I would just hold them till I could take care of that later.
I had to go meet the Emperor to carry out our next plan. I knew they would all be so impressed with me and my new warrior-looking ways.
We gathered on Shimmerbolt, and as we were forming up, the sky ripped open, and giant demons, laughing, poured the somewhat holy water from The Grail that we gave to Coronis* into the bay of Shimmerbolt. We also saw they were holding Coronis prisoner and threw her against part of the World Tree miles below the Unseelie Court.
*Coronis Nike—Trilby’s previously unnamed mother, the Princess of the Unseele Court
The sudden appearance of the demons distracted everybody, because nobody even said I looked good in my new outfit.
The hole in the sky closed before we could do much, but Black Hawk being super brave and wise knew he had to go rescue his possible future wife, no matter the cost.
Black Hawk ordered for his 12 to gather.
Not only did we answer the call but some guy, named Lief that Trilby wants to marry, and his people showed up, too. They even had a small space dragon ship to take us all on. It was bigger than Ichigo’s ship, by a lot, but seemed tiny compared to my brothers. The ship couldn’t even hold Fenris, and I am not even going to mention Jörmungandr.

My friends were not as impressed with me and my new outfit as I was hoping they would be. There were a bunch of Viking warriors though, and they all seemed to like me and my outfit. They were very nice.
I think I fell asleep while we were flying because I was so exhausted.
I am not really sure though because I had made another me to make me look awake and talk to whoever was nearby. I also hoped that the mirage of me could hold up my super deadly weapons so I didn’t drop them on the ship, causing it to die, be poisoned, and instantly freeze.
In any case, I either dreamed I talked to the Fox, or I really did. He is really dreamy and brave. In fact, in my possible dream or reality, whichever it was, the Fox said he would help us save the future wife of Black Hawk. I figured it a good idea to make some sort of signal or something for the Fox. So I created a cup, a wand, and a banana, or maybe I didn’t. The Fox agreed that he would come to our aid when I put the banana in the cup and stirred it with the wand.
Eventually, I noticed I was talking to the Vikings, who were all hanging out with me, as I told stories about me and my family. They were very nice Vikings and often complimented me on my new warrior ways.
A few people were worried about dying or something, so Black Hawk got his own priest for confession. I figured I should follow the Emperor’s lead, so I got my own priest, too. The priest mirage was really nice and understanding. I told him how I was just too pretty, and it was weighing on me. He was wise and, pious, though and said I just needed to go look even prettier.
What was odd was Black Hawk and Ichigo started to complain about my underwear. It made me a bit uncomfortable, being only 13* years old, because the Emperor said I couldn’t wear my underwear. It was silly, too, because I wasn’t even wearing underwear. Who wears underwear with a bathing suit? Nobody complains about Trilby, who wears a bathing suit every day. I even had a modest fur cloak covering me. It is so unfair that I am singled out all the time. I think it is because I am a gypsy girl that I am picked on. I will never understand Black Hawk and Ichigo. Black Hawk changed his mind about my underwear, but it is clear that I am too impressive for them. The nice Viking men, though, gave me a lot of support and really liked my outfit. I really feel like I failed in my bid to be respected by Black Hawk.
*—Just a reminder that Effie is not 13-years-old, even if she insists she wasn’t there when she was born.
After confession and complaining about my underwear, Black Hawk used his evil eye power, which is still rather freaky because he could use it to look in on anybody he wants, to scry out his future wife.
He saw she was being guarded by a demon eating a sandwich, but he knew it was a trap.
Black Hawk used his powers, with the help of Ichigo and Trilby, to bring a ghost near his future wife back for questioning. From the ghost, we learned that the somewhat holy water in the barrels from The Grail caused a lot of problems when consumed by the soulless evil automatons of Erlkoenig. It turns out that you can’t ninja Christ into people’s hearts, and drinking the somewhat holy water caused them to die more or less. Some of the evil soulless automatons of Erlkoenig seemed to do OK with the ninja Christ, but those were killed by Erlkoenig to be made an example of to the rest of the court.
Black Hawk’s future wife was also taken into custody and given to the demons as punishment as well.
The ghost also told us there were some other demons in disguise around Coronis.
We thought about making a plan, but Black Hawk, being wise in the way of war, said we would all rush in and get them.
When we arrived where Coronis was, we enacted Black Hawk’s plan.
Some of Ichigo’s angels needed some clothes to fight, so I made them some clothes and gave each of them a present. One, I gave a ball of hope; one, I gave not sadness; and the other, I gave a wand or something else not really useful.
I put the banana in the cup as sort of planned, and the Fox appeared at my side on the deck of the ship while the others rushed off to get them.
Black Hawk ordered Trilby to retrieve his possible future bride while the others attacked the demons.
Black Hawk decided he would take on the lust demon. I found that funny considering how he has looked at every woman, including me, that has crossed his 2 eyes. In fact, I had to slap Christoph several times on the trip, not to mention the underwear talk.
Ichigo was going to take on the biggest guy.
We had a bunch of other people, but war is not my thing so I didn’t pay too much attention to all the orders being shouted.
The plan in the end was a smashing success. Ichigo almost single handedly defeated the demons with his host of Heaven backing him, while the rest of us pestered them or did battle with lesser imps and the like.
Trilby retrieved her mother and possible future bride of Black Hawk and returned her to the ship.
Once Coronis was on the ship, Tigress and I healed her while the others returnedm and we set out immediately, before reinforcements could arrive.
On the way back, Trilby and Lief announced they would be getting married.
I need to run now to help make a wedding dress for Trilby.
XP awarded 3 +1 for halo’s returned to heaven
Bonus XP for Journal 1