If you wish to start at the beginning, it is here.
Dear Diary,
Today was the best day ever.
We decided to go back to Merry-go-round so I left a mirage of me and Tigress in charge at my new world. I think it is wise to keep up appearances, and since I told mirage me that I was a mirage of her and she was me, I think that should go well. Besides, I left two previously high-level Nazis in Drosselmeyer and Herbert Sorrows there to help. With my new friend, the giant evil vulture, Vulturiel, to look after all of them, I am sure everything will work out for the best.
Once I was sure I left Reichveld in good hands, we returned to Merry-go-round, and who was there but the stupid giant wolf who wants to marry me.
Black Hawk wanted to lure the wolf away to protect the town, so he could conquer it with Nazis, and he also wanted to steal the house we had been renting, so Black Hawk summoned up the Guardian of Merry-Go-Round and ordered it to put a giant metal bowl under the rat-infested house and yard so Trilby could use her stone on it.
The guardians always do what Black Hawk orders them to do, so we were off flying in short order.
We learned that Morgana Le Fey took Tigress and Pumpkin to her castle. I think it was really nice of her to save our friends from the stupid wolf. Everybody else thinks she took them hostage because she has a reputation for being evil. I tried to tell them just because someone is evil doesn't mean they're not nice, but nobody listened. I mean clearly Vulturiel is evil, he is after all a giant stinky ugly bird, but he has been nice to me.
Trilby used her stone to fly the house to the bay and through a war glass. Flying the house took all of Trilby 's concentration, which precluded her from doing anything else.
We took the stolen house to a land of Valkeries on pretty flying horses. I think I might get a horse because they are pretty, and the Valkeries liked me.
Black Hawk made passes at like all of the Valkeries, and I thought it was kinda creepy. The old Valkery leader though really liked Black Hawk. We did find out that they guard the road to the seed that we are one day suppose to get.*
[* This is a reference to the original purpose of the campaign, which everyone, including the moderator, later forgot about.]
Black Hawk told the Valkeries that I was one of his 12!
I told the Valkeries that, if they were smart, they would help the future Emperor now, and he would remember them when he became Emperor.
They agreed and gave us a letter of introduction to the Norns, so we could learn more about the Holy Grail.
Black Hawk and the Valkeries flirted a bunch more by exchanging threats for a bit before we set off for the Norns.
Time to go I have important 12 business to attend to.
XP awarded: 2 xp each
Bonus xp for my journal: 1
Next Week: Gypsie Princess Effie's Diary: Entry Thirteen — I Have a Brother